Following up on Gabi and James' discussion surrounding self-branding, this meditation asks us to sit with the personality and it's limited ability to portray the fullness of our being.
If you enjoyed this meditation and want more awareness based content from James, subscribe to her newsletter:
This meditation playfully rejects seeking vast corners of outer space, by offering a look inward. We will focus on finding easy expansion, while tapping into the eternal space of being. If you enjoyed this meditation and wish for more content from James, visit:
Topics include: How to work on something when you feel resistance towards it Our paranormal experiences Finding a personal style Smooth brain, no thoughts —For more content from Gabi and James: Gabi's Patreon:' Newsletter:
Joelle Bouchard ( is one of the funniest and most creative people I know. A writer, artist, and comedian, Joelle is best known for her highly original internet memes, which provide deeply insightful and deeply sarcastic cultural commentary. In this episode, we discuss Joelle's creative process, memes, music, psychedelics, and paranormal experiences. Joelle is a …
Illusion Pod — Guided Meditation: Witnessing Impermanence
Following up on Gabi and James' discussion surrounding self-branding, this meditation asks us to sit with the personality and it's limited ability to portray the fullness of our being.
If you enjoyed this meditation and want more awareness based content from James, subscribe to her newsletter:
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This meditation playfully rejects seeking vast corners of outer space, by offering a look inward. We will focus on finding easy expansion, while tapping into the eternal space of being. If you enjoyed this meditation and wish for more content from James, visit:
Illusion Pod — Call-in Q&A: Smooth Brain, No Ghosts
Topics include: How to work on something when you feel resistance towards it Our paranormal experiences Finding a personal style Smooth brain, no thoughts —For more content from Gabi and James: Gabi's Patreon:' Newsletter:
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Joelle Bouchard ( is one of the funniest and most creative people I know. A writer, artist, and comedian, Joelle is best known for her highly original internet memes, which provide deeply insightful and deeply sarcastic cultural commentary. In this episode, we discuss Joelle's creative process, memes, music, psychedelics, and paranormal experiences. Joelle is a …